Here i give a quick overview over some projects i made private, at work or in my studies. Sorted by most recent. Where possible i linked my relevant Github page.
Solar Panel Dashboard Server Python | (private 2023): Here i created a webserver to host a dashboard to collect and show the data from our solar panel. The server is hosted through Docker on a Raspberry Pi as a local server. One docker container hosts the server for the dashboard and another is collecting the data through API requests. Both share file storage to update the data in the dashboard.

AI Projects
Masterthesis Python/TF2 | (studies/work 2022/23): My Masterthesis was about object detection using dynamic vision sensors (known as event based cameras). I implemented different methods from the current literature to convert a constant stream of events into discrete frames train a deep learning architecture that was implemented in Tensorflow2.

Vibration Time-series Classification Python/TF2 | (work 2022): In this position as working student i analysed and cleaned timeseries data from acceleration sensors and gyroscope sensors to create spectograms. Those are then used in combination with speed data to train a deep learning architecture for classification
Image Webcrawler and Classification Python/TF2 | (studies 2021): A study project in which i created a webcrawler to generate a dataset for image classifaction based on differen car models. The crawled images where cleaned using deep learning and manual work before using them to finetune a convolutional neural network.

Bachelorthesis Python/PyTorch | (studies/work 2020/21): My Bachelorthesis was about image classification using a convolutional neural network implemented in PyTorch.
SAGAN in TF2 | (private 2021): A Tensorflow2 implementation of a WGAN/SAGAN Generative Adversarial Network to create images.
Blender GameOfLife Addon Python/Blender | (private 2022): A private project that started as a learning project to get into python scripting in Blender. In the end i made a whole addon with UI an menu that simulates conway’s game of life and renders every game iteration as png to create videos.

Webgame CircleClicker JavaScript/Node.js | (studies 2020): A webserver and a website that is a small browser game in which appearing circles need to be clicked as fast as possible. The node.js webserver has mongodb database for highscores and was deployed on AWS Beanstalk as a cloud based project.

Gameproject Unity3D C# | (studies 2020): A Unity3D project in which the (at this time) new Dataoriented Technology-Stack (DOTS) and Entity Component System (ECS) was used in a group project to create a realtime strategy game supporting thousand of units without performance issues.
Gameproject Unreal VisualScripting | (studies 2019): A group project in which a physics-based game was created in Unreal engine. It is a split screen multiplayer game where every placer controlls a tentacle in a series of mini games (i.e. picking groceries and throwing them into a shopping cart). In another project that i did solo, i used unreal an visual scripting to create a pathfinding prototype for units in an realtime strategy game to move in formation.

Gameprojects Java | (studies 2018): Two little games as java object oriented programming exercises. The first is a text based pacman (without AI) made solo and the second is a 2d farming simulator with handdrawn sprites as a group project.